

Media Owners

All Media analyzed.

Advertising Expenditure Analytics for all media, including TV, Radio, Press, Outdoor and Online Advertising.

Advertising Expenditure

Competitive Advertising Packages

Use the advertising Expenditure Report for your potential client industry to create customized advertising packages that cater to the specific needs and goals of each client. This tailored approach can be a compelling reason for clients to choose your media channels.

Cross-Channel Opportunities:

If you have multiple media channels (e.g., websites, TV, radio), use Advertising Expenditure Reports to show how a multi-channel advertising approach can benefit your existing or potential clients by maximizing their reach and engagement.

Market Trends and Insights.

Share market trends and competitive analysis reports for Market categories derived from expenditure data, to help your clients make informed decisions about their advertising.

Advert Bank

A comprehensive database of advertisements, organized by client and product category,
enables you to explore, gather inspiration, and craft compelling ad copy that resonates with
your target audience."

What this data can do for you?

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